1. Facebook and Twitter deprived adolescent communication skills ! 2. China has discovered a new disease similar to AIDS !

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1. Modern teenagers growing part of the free time they spend in front of the monitor, replacing the real-life contacts its surrogate in Face book or Twitter.

In turn, argues that due to keenness computer Danish teenagers lose their social skills. In his view, communication with the so-called social networking sites like the immoderate consumption of Coca-Cola.

«Facebook and Twitter are deceiving the brain, causing him to believe that electronic communication satisfies social needs of pupils. However, the body knows what is sitting on a chair, it does not feel the sign language, does not feel the closeness and the smell of other people. It's like drinking a Coke, imagining, as if the body receives enough nutrients and vitamins.

2. Several thousand Chinese people diagnosed with AIDS symptoms, but tested for HIV infection gives a negative result. Experts suspect the appearance of previously unknown virus.

Patients are observed swollen lymph nodes, sweating limbs, red spots on the skin, a slight increase in temperature. All these symptoms are also the first signs of HIV infection. However, testing for its presence gives a negative result, in connection with what newspapers have already dubbed the new virus "HIV-negative."

59 blood samples of patients with these symptoms had already been sent to research laboratories.However, some experts believe that talking about a new virus prematurely. In their view, the majority of patients with HIV-negative "suffer from the so-called HIV-phobia.

This condition is described in clinical practice when suggestible people develop an intense fear of contracting AIDS. Because of these experiences they can actually develop symptoms of the disease.


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